What effect does coffee have on the body?
Around 8 out of 10 French people drink coffee in France. A drink appreciated for its energizing properties thanks to its caffeine , coffee is also sometimes criticized for its undesirable side effects : headaches, nervousness, tremors, stomach aches, difficulty falling asleep, etc. It also causes a form of dependence in many people find it difficult to stay fit all day without their daily dose of coffee! Coffee is also not recommended for certain people such as pregnant women or children. However, there are alternatives to coffee that are both healthy and delicious that you can easily integrate into your habits to be in good shape first thing in the morning and for the rest of the day.
10 alternatives to coffee to wake up well
1 Chicory
This plant with multiple benefits is ideal for replacing coffee and boosting your energy naturally . Rich in vitamins (A, B, C, K and E), minerals (especially iron and phosphorus) and fiber, it provides the body with a great cocktail of nutrients to start the day off right. Furthermore, it has very interesting digestive, depurative and strengthening properties for the body, especially upon waking up. For example, it supports liver function thanks to its action on the production of bile and the elimination of toxins from the liver. A perfect detox! Consumed as a hot drink with water or latte , for more indulgence, it is a comforting drink that will put you in a good mood in the morning or throughout the day. A caffeine-free drink , chicory is perfect for pregnant women , breastfeeding women or children.
2 Tea
A large majority of tea contains caffeine, also called theine (it's roughly the same molecule). The theine content of tea depends on multiple factors such as the type of leaves used or the production method, which make the tea more or less energizing. The difference with coffee is the way caffeine acts in the body. Tea has an amino acid, l-theanine , which has relaxing and soothing properties . Combined with caffeine, it provides the body with gentle energy , which will diffuse more slowly than with coffee (around 2 hours) but more lastingly (between 4 and 6 hours). You can opt for a black tea rich in caffeine such as Assam or chai tea which you can enjoy in a chai latte version to benefit from the benefits of spices. As for green teas, Japanese green teas like gyokuro or sencha are perfect for replenishing your energy. You can consume these teas in the afternoon to boost your energy but avoid drinking tea in the evening if it contains caffeine and you are sensitive to its effects.
3 Matcha
Matcha tea is a green tea that is particularly rich in caffeine (around 32 mg of caffeine per 1.5 g of matcha, knowing that coffee contains around 45 mg of caffeine per cup). It is also a tea very rich in antioxidants , vitamins and fiber . It is a great health ally : it boosts immunity, protects the body from free radicals, supports organ activity... Being in powdered tea, and not a tea to infuse, it allows us to fully benefit from its nutrients like we literally ingest the plant. Very popular in a matcha latte version, hot or cold, it is attracting more and more people wanting to stop or slow down their coffee consumption.
4 Mate
A plant native to Latin America, mate , or yerba mate, is as rich in caffeine as matcha. Just like tea, caffeine diffuses gently throughout the body, providing gentle energy . Its richness in antioxidants and amino acids also make it a healthy drink . It helps combat mental and physical fatigue, boosts memory and strengthens alertness. It is also an ally of the cardiovascular system. Mate is traditionally infused and drunk in a calabash.
5 Carob and cocoa
Thanks to its high mineral content (notably magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium), its flavonoid antioxidants, its vitamins and its fibers, cocoa is full of essential nutrients for health. It improves cognitive functions thanks to its bioactive compounds that stimulate blood circulation to the brain. Its theobromine gives it an energizing effect and it stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin, hormones that help fight stress and anxiety. You will have understood, cocoa is perfect for keeping your spirits up and your spirits up! Find it in its roasted or raw version in our Escale Cacao .
Carob powder comes from the carob tree, a tree in the Fabaceae family (legumes). It is often presented as an alternative to cocoa because of its similar flavor. However, it contains less protein and fat but more fiber. It is also very rich in antioxidants (polyphenols, myricetin and quercetin), iron, vitamins (A, B, B2, DE and E). It also has hypoglycemic properties: it contributes to the management and reduction of blood sugar levels. It is prepared like coffee, with hot water and possibly milk.
6 The ginger or turmeric shot
Having become very popular in recent years, notably thanks to social networks and magazines, the ginger shot and/or turmeric shot is a must for '' healthy food ''. It generally consists of lemon juice or orange juice, ginger concentrate and sometimes turmeric, with added black pepper (to enhance the benefits of turmeric). Drink in a few sips, it's a real shot of vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that boost vitality and immunity .
7 Green juice
Homemade green juice is a perfect vitamin drink to wake up well. The advantage of including green vegetables in your fruit juice is to boost your intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals while obtaining a drink less rich in carbohydrates. You can opt for spinach, kale, avocado (for good lipids)... Favor seasonal and organic fruits and vegetables to take full advantage of their nutrients.
8 Fruits rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C is excellent for fighting fatigue, especially during winter when the body generally needs it more. Starting your day with a fruit rich in vitamin C will give you a good dose of energy. It is also an excellent vitamin for the skin . Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C (orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.), as well as kiwi!
9 The protein shake
Starting your day with enough protein and low-glycemic carbohydrates perfectly wakes up your body after going about 8 hours without eating. The benefit of the protein shake is that it is a nutritious and filling drink . You can use protein of animal origin (whey) or vegetable protein, add water, milk or a vegetable drink, spice it up with different flavors (vanilla, chocolate, etc.), possibly add fruits like banana which is very good for energy, fiber (oat flakes, etc.), oilseeds (peanut puree, almond puree, etc.). If you're in a hurry, a protein shake can replace your breakfast. This drink is ideal if you are sporty to boost your protein intake and your performance.
10 Water!
Simply drink water as the first thing you wake up to wake your body up. Indeed, fatigue is often linked to dehydration . It is therefore important to rehydrate your body after the night, this will help eliminate the toxins that have accumulated during sleep with the work of the digestive organs. Drink regularly and sufficiently throughout the day. You can also opt for hot (or lukewarm) lemon water . Lemon is a good source of vitamins and antioxidants and therefore perfect for vitality and energy. Avoid drinking water that is too cold because the temperature differential with the body's internal temperature could upset your stomach and digestive system.